
Family Photography ~ Three generations

This session was not just a "family photography" session, it was "my family photography session", because they adopted me as a member of their family ever since I met them. I met Natali while working together at an old job. We fast became very good friends and when Bella came, I received the great honor of being her godmother. She was only three months old when Nat asked me to babysit her for the first time and I remember staring at that little sleeping face...That moment was so peaceful and so present... I remember thinking that everything else in the world is so insignificant when you have a child. Things like vanity, your hair, your make-up, running after a career, fighting to get in that next position at the job, to make more money, to have a status, to feel important...All these, when compared to having a child to care for, are NOTHING.

Well, fast forward five years...and Bella has become a little lady, definitely not the baby I used to carry around incessantly trying to make her fall asleep. She comes from two generations of strong, loving and beautiful women that will do anything and everything to see her develop into the girl she wants to be. We celebrated the three generations with a session in the park.

I present to you: Margarita, Nat and Bella!



This next photo is so sweet, as I'm best friends with my Mom as well.



We brought balloons for some more fun in the sun, but the wind blew them away... Someone was really sad...

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But it was all over, just in time to push the cart


This is the cutie patootie!


I love these girls!


Good night!


Unknown said...

The photos...the photos...the thought...your words, we are so blessed to have you as part of our family! You know you are really talented when you can translate emotions through your art and let me tell you each of these photos have done just that. Keep shining happiness with your talent...we love you!